Member-only story
Social Distancing? That’s SOP !!!
We Techies SCOFF at your puny attempts. Social distancing? We’ve been perfecting the technique for years! No, wait, not just years, our entire lives!
Push the donuts and coffee under the door and just let us do our jobs. Nothing has changed!
Where is Mr. Popular now? I’ll tell you where. He’s in the hospital, fighting for his life, because he always glad-hands everyone he meets. And he’s there with the people who think that face-to-face meetings are the key to progress.
Those of us with ravaged faces, lacking in the social graces, prudently remained at home, inventing technology enabling cell phones (and computers). Where would you be now, if not for us? Reading a paper book, that’s where. By candlelight.
WE ARE THE FUTURE! Those of us who put electrical tape over selfie cameras are the new generation (selfie video is wasteful of bandwidth for those of us not part of the glitterati, who are all sick). We can work effectively with minimal human contact. We invented email so we don’t have to talk directly to anyone, and so we can keep working without inhaling what you sneeze.
Learn to code! Read schematics! Close the door!
Join us. Stay healthy the Techie way!